

Cooler Running Capabilities ▪ Longer Service Life

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Features Benefits
Highway oriented shoulder rib design Reduces chances of shoulder irregular wear
Specially formulated tread compound Wear resistance for regional / highway roads and mild off road
Improved base construction formulation Promotes cooler running by insulating tread heat on casing
Reinforced casing and bead structure Improves durability of casing and bead, increasing tire damage resistance from heavy load operating conditions
Incorporation of stone ejector Prevents stone trapping and thereby reduce risk of tire damages
Tire Size PR Load Index Speed Rating Approved Rim Outer Diameter (mm) Tread Depth (mm) Max Load (kg) Max Pressure
10.00R20 16 146/143 K 7.5 1050 15.3 3000/2725 830/830 120/120
11.00R20 16 150/147 K 8 1085 15.3 3350 / 3075 830 / 830 120 / 120
325/95R24 22 162/160 K 9.00 1228 17 4750/4500 850/850 123/123

Cooler Running Capabilities ▪ Longer Service Life

Highway oriented shoulder rib design
Specially formulated tread compound
Improved base construction formulation
Reinforced casing and bead structure
Incorporation of stone ejector
Reduces chances of shoulder irregular wear
Wear resistance for regional / highway roads and mild off road
Promotes cooler running by insulating tread heat on casing
Improves durability of casing and bead, increasing tire damage resistance from heavy load operating conditions
Prevents stone trapping and thereby reduce risk of tire damages

Tire Size LI SI
10.00R20 146/143 K
11.00R20 150/147 K
325/95R24 162/160 K

- Wisma Hayam Wuruk Lt. 10, Jl. Hayam Wuruk No. 8, Indonesia 10120. Tel: +62-21-50985916-20, Fax: +62-21-50985908

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